snippets for cpp competitive programming
by default priority_queue in cpp is MAX-HEAP, this is important because in Java it is MIN-HEAP by default
simple min-heap can be created using following code, but next points mention various other ways for custom comparator
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq;
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
typedef vector<ii> vii;
struct compStruct
bool operator()(ii &a, ii &b)
return a.first > b.first;
int main() {
priority_queue<ii, vii, compStruct> pqName;
class compClass {
bool operator() (ii &a, ii&b) {
return a.first > b.first;
int main() {
priority_queue<ii, vii, compClass> pqName;
bool cmp(ii a, ii b) {
return a.first > b.first;
int main() {
priority_queue<ii, vii, decltype(cmp)*> pqName(cmp);
bool cmp(ii a, ii b) {
return a.first > b.first;
int main() {
priority_queue<ii, vii, function<bool(ii,ii)>> pqName(cmp);
auto compareFun = [](ii a, ii b ) { return a.first > b.first;};
priority_queue<ii, vii, decltype(compareFun)> pqName(compareFun);
auto compareFun = [](ii a, ii b ) { return a.first > b.first;};
priority_queue<ii, vii, function<bool(ii,ii)>> pqName(compareFun);
Primary | Alternative |
&& | and |
&= | and_eq |
& | bitand |
| | bitor |
~ | compl |
! | not |
!= | not_eq |
|| | or |
|= | or_eq |
^ | xor |
^= | xor_eq |
{ | <% |
} | %> |
[ | <: |
] | :> |
# | %: |
## | %:%: |
code to generate these values
cout << "short" << " | " << numeric_limits<short>::max() << nl;
type | max |
short | 32767 |
unsigned short | 65535 |
int | 2147483647 |
unsigned int | 4294967295 |
long | 9223372036854775807 |
long long | 9223372036854775807 |
unsigned long long | 18446744073709551615 |
unsigned long | 18446744073709551615 |
float | 3.40282e+38 |
double | 1.79769e+308 |
long double | 1.18973e+4932 |
a + ~a = -1; // it sets all 1s
-a = 1 + ~a; // can be easily derived using a + -a = 1 + -1 . and replace -1 from previous
(a|b) + (a&b) = a + b;
a^b = (a - (a&b)) + (b - (a&b)); // bits of a which are not in b + bits of b which are not in a
a^b = a + b - 2 * (a&b); // simplifying last line
a^b = (a|b) - (a&b); // using value of a + b from above , easy to see in venn diagram also , because xor is symmetric difference
some other equations at [codeforce blog](
vector<int> count(26,0)
set<int> s;
set.find(2) != set.end() // checks existence